what vivid life moments?

A writing and memory exercise.

Here is my attempt to record some of those memories as completely as possible, the ones that pop into one's mind at unexpected moments. It could be something that happened years ago, an unimportant second from another lifetime, totally forgotten until now.

So here is my random diary of unimportant moments, we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

fingerpainting in nursery school

The easel is taller than me, and I'm swirling my hand around on the smooth paper, feeling the sensations of cold mush and watching the green and blue gradually blend into each other.  It vaguely strikes me as a weird thing to do, but I don't question it, as it is clearly what is expected here in nursery school.  One girl has a cold and there is snot running down out of both nostrils, slowly dripping, dripping, downward as gravity does it's work.  It's disgusting!  How she just stands like that and is more and more covered in snot every second!  Grooossssss!!!  I just stand and watch her, and she watches me back.

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