what vivid life moments?

A writing and memory exercise.

Here is my attempt to record some of those memories as completely as possible, the ones that pop into one's mind at unexpected moments. It could be something that happened years ago, an unimportant second from another lifetime, totally forgotten until now.

So here is my random diary of unimportant moments, we'll see how it goes.

Monday, January 3, 2011

my cats

Being a stay at home mom, it has occurred to me that I probably spend more time with my cats than with any other living being, even my kids, if you count the hours that they sleep with me.  All this time has enabled me to learn to speak "cat."  This is good and bad.  Good because I can tell what they are feeling and what they want, but bad because it can be hard to ignore, very similar to whining children.  "I said i want OUT!!!  Wake up and feed me now, or I will smack your face!!!  This food is horridly substandard, I prefer fresh caviar" etc etc.

One cat in particular, we call "Super," has devised a fail-proof method of being let in and out of the house.  We have an outer door with a screen on top and glass on the bottom, and with a loud dramatic thump, he flings himself to the top of the screen, holding himself in place, stretched out, with his claws attached to the screen holes, like Spiderman.  This has attracted much attention from passersby, even causing minor traffic jams as people stop and stare in amazement.


  1. I love the image. It makes me smile :)

  2. Thanks Liz! You are a dear :)
    Sigh......I don't know about this blog, maybe seems to boring to read? Have you checked out my dream blog?
