what vivid life moments?

A writing and memory exercise.

Here is my attempt to record some of those memories as completely as possible, the ones that pop into one's mind at unexpected moments. It could be something that happened years ago, an unimportant second from another lifetime, totally forgotten until now.

So here is my random diary of unimportant moments, we'll see how it goes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

this wasn't actually my dream, but I need to occupy child 2.0 by letting him write his, so here.

I went flat, and I went up a staircase and I got this golden thing and then this guy named Zugel came up and almost killed me, and then I almost killed him too, and then I got outside to my team, and then we did a real battle, and one power's thunder, one power's earth, and one power was laser, and one power was God power.

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